According to ANIA’s data, in Italy about 200.000 road accidents occur every year. Among them, a considerable part involves heavy vehicles. The reasons, as we can imagine, are different. In part, because trucks and tanks are more bulky than a normal car, but the main reason why HGVs often end up involved in highway accidents has to do with overload.
The issue of weight in transit on road is not trivial at all, and it is regulated by precise laws. Within Article 167 Transport of goods on vehicles and on trailers, of Legislative Decree n. 285 of 30th April 1992, motor vehicles and trailers may not exceed the total mass indicated on the registration certificate.
Heavy vehicles overload and road safety: why are they connected?
In addition to the penalties for non-compliance with the maximum permissible load limit, the main problem is related to road safety. This is because the overload results in reduced vehicle stability, and far greater braking distances.
Trucks and hevy vehicles should, therefore, always respect the load limit to ensure their own safety and the one of all road users. Unfortunately, this does not always happen. According to data provided by ANIA, the average number of heavy vehicles overloaded on the roads is between 5% and 10%. This percentage is far from low.
The weigh-in-motion system that guarantees road safety: BISON system.
In this context, it is easy to understand why a dynamic weighing system plays a key role in road safety. By carrying out a real-time monitoring on the load of vehicles in transit, it is possible to verify that all users are actually respecting the permitted limits, and, if necessary, to fastly intervene in case of irregularities.
In addition to overloaded vehicles, a wim system on a motorway allows to control the actual load on bridges and viaducts, ensuring greater structural safety as well as individual safety of users.
Other advantages of our Bison Weigh-in-motion system: traffic flows control
Our company supports the law enforcement by ensuring the control of the traffic flows of heavy vehicles. Our system allows the sanction of overloaded vehicles thanks to the approved model Bison 50_10, especially designed to be installed at gates and toll booths, and thanks to the approved model Bison 90_10, suitable to be installed on free-flow lanes.