New Genoa bridge: one wim system each lane

It is with great satisfaction that at the end of July we completed the installation of our BISON weigh in motion systems on the new Genoa bridge: 8 plates, 1800 kg of 316 L stainless steel, 500 meters of optical fiber for a total of 4 weigh in motion systems , one for each lane, which will allow to monitor and weigh vehicles in transit 365 days a year 24 hours a day.

A symbol of rebirth for Genoa and for the whole country. Thanks to CETENA S.p.A. – Centro per gli Studi di Tecnica Navale company of the FINCANTIERI S.p.A., group, for choosing us and making us part of this important piece of our country, and thanks to all our team who worked with commitment and dedication.

Sistema pesatura dinamica ponte di genova